Chapter 103 Do You Know That Hanson Actually Loves You Very Much

For a whole week, Wendy was stuck in her room as she was not allowed to come outside at all.

In the beginning, she had tried to kick up a fuss to express her dissatisfaction over Hanson's orders.

However, her small, rebellious acts were completely useless against Hanson.

After shouting and yelling for quite a long time, Wendy soon grew tired of it, and she gave up on that method eventually.

She knew that even if Hanson could keep her there for the rest of her life, Tanya on the other hand would definitely not be able to stand that.

Therefore, she just had to be patient and wait for the fish to take the bait.

Howard had been dropping by Yale Mansion once every two days to check on Wendy's condition.

During his first two visits, he did not find any major health issues after he had examined her.

However, after he was done with the third check-up, he turned his gaze towards Hanson.