Chapter 104 Little Mentally... Unstable

Hanson threatened, "You want this photo back, right? Then, just answer my question. Otherwise, I'll burn it."

Wendy's eyes were blazing with immense hatred the whole time she was glaring at him. "I'm using my deaf ear to make you feel guilty? You think way too highly of yourself. That stupid Wendy, who would risk her own life just to prove how much she loves you, is long gone. Hanson, open those godd*mned eyes of yours wide and take a good look at me now! I don't love you any more. You don't mean a thing to me now, nor do you need to know anything about me. Do you understand?"

As Wendy spoke, her hoarse voice rang with conviction.

Hanson stared straight into Wendy's eyes.

"Indeed, it's been quite some time since I've last seen any signs of affection for me in Wendy's eyes.

"Now, those eyes held nothing but contempt for me.

"Well... so what if that's the case? It's not like I'm yearning for Wendy's love, nor do I care if she hates me," he told himself inwardly.