Chapter 113 Can You Give Her Back to Me?

Howard knew what Vincent was concerned about. Still, he interrupted him, "We can't let this go on any longer. Tell Tina that I will keep Hanson busy for at most two hours and that she should get everything done within that time."

After a moment's thought, Vincent finally nodded.

Hanson left the house, and Howard personally drove him to his office.

When they had arrived there, Hanson first instructed Yannick to investigate the identity of the mastermind that had ordered the inmates to hurt Wendy in his name. He really wanted that person dead.

After Yannick had left, he sent several of his men to hunt out every single person that was involved in torturing and hurting Wendy in prison.

Since most of the female inmates were rather easily swayed, Hanson's men managed to get a complete list of the people they were looking for fairly quickly after they had pressured those women with several threats.

Hatred flared up inside Hanson as he held the list in his hand.