Chapter 2 She Only Left a Child 

Seven months later, in the countryside abroad.

"Lesly, Gavin has found a clue. He will bring people here in at least three days."

At that moment, Lesly was lying on a soft bed. Her limbs were unusually thin and her abdomen was bulging. Her abdomen was even bigger than an ordinary pregnant woman's abdomen.

She touched her belly as her eyes lowered, casting a shadow on her pale face.

The brain cancer and pregnancy had taken a huge toll on her body. Now, her body was completely relying on the will to let the child be born safely.

"Then, I won't wait anymore." Lesly smiled. "Harry, please arrange the caesarean section for me tonight."

There would be no problem for the child to be born after seven months.

Harry Whitaker frowned and said worriedly, "But once I send you to the hospital, you won't be able to hide your pregnancy. By then, your child will be taken away by him."

Lesly closed her eyes sadly and said feebly, "But, do we have any other way?"

Harry opened his mouth but fell silent.

"Alright, I'll go and arrange it."

Two hours later, Lesly laid on the operating bed.

Before entering the operating room, she held Harry's hand tightly. "Harry, no matter what happens to me, please prioritize my child first."

Harry's eyes were red, and he held Lesly's hand tightly.

He bent over and kissed the back of Lesly's hand boldly, disregarding his usual gentlemanly behavior.

"Don't worry. Whether it's your child's life or yours, I'll do everything I can to protect it."

Lesly's heart felt warm and bitter. She closed her eyes. "Okay, thank you."

She let go of Harry's hand and was sent to the operating room.

Two hours later, the operation was over.

A child came out in the nurse's arms.

"Mr. Whitaker, according to your orders, I brought you the baby. However, because of his premature birth, we have to send it to an incubator as soon as possible."


Harry held the child.

The newborn baby's skin was still wrinkled, and his facial features were not distinct.

Harry touched the child's soft cheeks and said guiltily, "I'm sorry..."


Three days later.

Gavin kicked open the door of a countryside villa.

The room was empty, and the people who used to live there had disappeared.

Gavin walked into the living room and glanced at the quiet and empty house. His face was as cold as ice. He gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Lesly, don't think you can run away. I will find you no matter where you are!"

"Mr. Bolton!" Gavin's assistant suddenly shouted in surprise, "There is a child here. Mr. Bolton, come quickly!"

A child!

Gavin remembered what he found two days ago. He received news that Lesly was pregnant for seven months and had a cesarean section in a hospital.

He lifted his leg and rushed over in a few steps.

The assistant stood in front of an incubator, pointing at the child inside, and said with surprise and caution, "My. Bolton, this child... looks like you."

Gavin stepped forward and looked down.

A child in the incubator was sleeping soundly.

It had been three days since the child was born. His skin gradually turned white, and his facial features were vaguely visible. The baby indeed looked very similar to Gavin.

"Mr. Bolton, is this... the child from your wife?"

Gavin stared at the baby and did not speak for a long time.

"There is a note here!" Another assistant found a note and quickly handed it to Gavin.

Gavin took the note after a few seconds.

"Gavin, I'm already in the late stages of brain cancer, I don't have long. I'll give this child to you in exchange for you to stop looking for me. I want to live a quiet life, and I don't want to see you during my last few days."

"I don't want to see you." Gavin thought about these few words, making him clench his teeth in anger.


Gavin couldn't help but kick over a cabinet.

Lesly, you b*tch, don't think that I will let you go after leaving a child behind.

"I'll definitely find you and make you pay!"