Chapter 3 Death During Operation

"Harry," Lesly said to Harry while covering the corners of the two children's blankets. "I will have an operation tomorrow. If it fails, please send my ashes to Gavin."

Harry pursed his lips and did not reply.

Lesly looked back at him and smiled gently, "It's okay. I am very satisfied that I can give birth to the children safely, but..."

But she didn't expect that Gavin, who had taken away a child, was dissatisfied and had continued to look for her.

It seemed that he really hated her to the core.

"Don't say such discouraging words." Harry held Lesly's hand. "I will do the operation tomorrow personally. I promise that the operation will be successful. You and you're children will be reunited."

In fact, the success rate of that operation was only 10 percent.

But Lesly did not say anything depressing. She nodded and said, "Okay, I believe you."

At 10 o'clock the next morning.

Lesly, who had already shaved her head, was sent to the operating room.

The operation lasted for a total of 13 hours.

On the other side, in the Bolton's house


The child, who was sleeping on the luxurious baby's bed, suddenly burst into tears.

The nanny at the side woke up with a start. She hurriedly picked up the child and coaxed him. However, no matter how she coaxed him, the child couldn't stop crying.

She didn't know why the three-month-old child had cried so sadly that his whole face turned red.

"What's going on?" Gavin had awakened from the noise. He pushed the door open and came in with a cold face. "Why is the child crying?"

The nanny replied with fear, "I don't know. He was fine before I fell asleep, but suddenly..."

"Give him to me." Gavin took the child with a cold face. He held him firmly while comforting him gently.

But now, his normally obedient son was not listening to him for one bit. He kept crying until he choked on his own tears.

"Is he ill? Is he feeling any discomfort? Do you need me to call the family doctor over?"

Gavin nodded and said, "Call him quickly."

The nanny ran out and it didn't take long for the family doctor to arrive at the house.

After giving the child a detailed examination, the doctor said, "The physical state is normal. He should not be ill..."

Gavin unhappily asked, "Then why is he crying?"

The doctor also shook his head. After a while, the doctor said carefully again, "I have encountered such a similar situation before."

Gavin glanced sideways at the doctor and motioned for him to continue.

"Another child like this, who was born not long ago, had a special connection with his mother. So, if something happens to his mother, he will feel it and cry." The doctor's forehead was full of swear. "Mr. Bolton, do you want to make sure of his biological mother's wellbeing?"

Gavin remembered Lesly's brain cancer. His body suddenly stiffened, and he stopped coaxing the child.

"Mr. Bolton?"

Gavin suddenly came to his senses and handed the child to his nanny. "Watch him."

After that, Gavin turned around, strode into his study, and made a phone call. "Where's that woman? You've been looking for her for three months, why isn't she here yet?"

The other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then came a cautious and careful voice. "Mr. Bolton, we just... found her whereabouts."


"She was in a hospital. She just had a brain cancer operation for 13 hours, but... the operation failed."

Gavin's mind was buzzing. After a long time, he heard the voice from the phone again.

"The operation failed. She died on the operating table."

The night grew darker.

In the quiet Bolton family house, there was the sound of things smashing, mixing with the cries of a baby. It finally ended in a sorrowful atmosphere.

Two days later, Gavin received an international package.

Inside was an urn with a small black and white photo on it.

The person in the photo was Lesly, who had disappeared for more than ten months.