Chapter 4 Goodby, Gavin Bolton

Six years later.

Before getting off the plane, Lesly carefully sorted out her son and daughter's masks, feeling uneasy.

She had no choice but to return to the country because of work. Originally, she did not intend to bring her children back, but the two children cried relentlessly and insisted on following her.

Especially her eldest son, Lucca.

Lucca had autism. Only Lesly and her daughter, Lulu could get close to her. No one else could.

She hoped that they would not run into Gavin for the next six months.

Carrying Luca while holding Lulu's hands, Lesly got off the plane.

Everything went smoothly.

"Lesly!" In the airport parking lot, her best friend Amya waved from far away. "This way, this way!"

Lesly smiled and said, "You're here."

"Oh, show me my godson and goddaughter!" Amya smiled warmly and hugged Lulu. She then turned to Lucca.

Lucca twisted his small face and buried his head in Lesly's arms, obviously resisting being touched.

Amya withdrew her hand without embarrassment, opened the door, and said, "Get on the car. Let's go to my house for dinner tonight. My mother has made you a big table of dishes!"

Lesly put the two children into the car and said with a smile, "Actually, we can just eat outside. There's no need to bother."

"What's there to bother? You haven't returned home for six years. You must miss the food here very much, right?"

Lesly's eyes darkened. Yes, she missed it very much.

She did not just miss the food here as this was her hometown, the place she had grown up in.

"So, we have to eat at home for tonight's meal." Amya looked at the two children with a smile. "Children, I also bought you two gifts!"

She took out the prepared gifts and handed it to them.

The two children's attention was immediately attracted by the gifts. They began to open the gifts immediately. Amya also helped the two children to open the gifts.

Lesly looked at the scene for a while. Suddenly, saw a familiar figure from the corner of her eyes.

She froze for a few seconds, unable to suppress her curiosity and turned to look.

A few meters away from the car window stood a tall and extremely familiar figure. It was Gavin.

He stood outside the elevator, lifting an arm and lowering his face. He was looking at the time on his wristwatch.

From Lesly's direction, she could only see half of Gavin's face. She could see a bit of her faint smile.

Was he waiting for someone?

Lesly was stunned and couldn't help but recall six years ago when she was with Gavin. When had that man patiently waited for her?


"Ding." The elevator door opened and a tall and slender pregnant woman came out.

Gavin immediately put down his arm and walked towards the woman.

The woman's lips curled up as she smiled brightly. At the same time, she came forward and hugged Gavin enthusiastically. As for Gavin, he hugged the woman back carefully and gently.


Lesly came back to her senses when Lucca tugged on her shirt.

Lucca looked up at Lesly worriedly.

"I'm fine." Lesly took Lucca into her arms and kissed his forehead. "I'll be fine as long as I have you."

Lucca held Lesly's neck and laid in her arms. At the same time, he raised his head and looked out.

The man in front of the elevator turned around at that moment, revealing his face that was similar to Lucca's.

Lucca frowned. His beautifil eyes were full of disgust and repulsion.

After opening the gift, Amya started the car and drove away from the airport.

After arriving at Amya's neighborhood, Lesly and Amya took the two children upstairs. After settling them down, they came down to take the luggage.

Amya was accompanying the children at home, while Lesly went downstairs alone.

Lesly took two suitcases and entered the elevator, pressing the closing button.

The metal door of the elevator slowly closed. Just as it was about to close, a soft woman's voice suddenly sounded outside the elevator. "Please wait. There's someone else."

Lesly hurriedly blocked the elevator door so that the people behind could come in.

The footsteps gradually approached, but it was the sound of two people.

Lesly looked up and her body froze.

The two people were Gavin and the pregnant woman.