Chapter 6 Digging up the Grave

After having dinner at Amya's house, Lesly immediately wanted to leave with her children. As long as she thought about the face that Gavin was here, she would be restless.

She just met Gavin. What if she met him when she was with her children next time?

It was okay for Lulu as she looked like Lesly, but Lucca's face was the exact replication of Gavin's. Even a stranger would know that they were father and son.

She needed to leave Amya's house immediately.

She declined Amya's offer to stay the night. An hour later, Lesly left.

The house she rented was in a suburban area. Although it was remote and inconvenient for Lesly to go to work, she could avoid Gavin.


The quiet graveyard.

Gavin held an umbrella and quickly walked through the stone path in the cemetery.

It was early autumn, but the weather was gloomy. It was drizzling, and the air was humid and irritating.

Gavin pursed his lips. Although his face was expressionless, his eyes were frighteningly gloomy and cold.

His assistant, Uriah Pearce followed him and held his breath. He did not want to do something that would make Gavin's mood worse.

One by one, the tombstones passed through Gavin's sight. Finally, he reached the woman's tombstone.

There was a simple black-and-white photo pasted on the black slab, it was the photo from the urn.

When Lesly was buried, besides this photo, Gavin could not find any other photos.

When Lesly left, there was nothing left except for the divorce papers.

Gavin stared at the black and white photo, but his mind couldn't help thinking of the woman he met in the elevator that day.

That woman was clearly Lesly.

"Get a few people," Gavin said coldly and ordered his assistant, "Dig up this grave for me and take out Lesly's ashes."

Uriah was stunned and did not react in time.

Digging up her grave? What kind of deep hatred was that?

Gavin noticed Uriah's shock and doubts, and said impatiently, "I suspect that she is still alive."

"What?" Uriah was even more shocked. "But she had brain cancer, and she insisted on having a baby after her diagnosis. Her body should be..."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Gavin interrupted Uriah coldly. "I don't think she is dead."

Uriah immediately closed his mouth and lowered his head. "Okay, I understand."

Gavin said coldly, "Arrange it now."


Uriah immediately made a phone call.

Half an hour later, a group of professionals arrived at the cemetery. They quickly dug open the grave and took out the urns buried deep inside.

Uriah took it first, carefully wiped the dirt on it with a handkerchief, and then handed it to Gavin.


Gavin lifted his fingers slightly and withdrew them back quickly.

Instead of taking the urn, he ordered coldly, "Send it for a DNA analysis. Bring me the results tomorrow morning."

After that, Gavin walked away without hesitation.

Holding the urn, Uriah was at a loss.

Did he care about Lesly or not?

Shaking his head, Uriah stopped thinking. He quickly sent the ashes to the DNA analysis center. He also personally watched over the staff to let them produce the results as soon as possible.

Uriah thought it would take seven or eight hours for them to get a result. He did not expect that the result would come out as soon as it was sent in.

The staff took the ashes, ran over, and said, "Mr. Pearce, are you sure the sample you sent is right? This is not human ashes, it belongs to an animal."

Uriah was stunned. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! I'm sure it's not human ashes, so your sample... Ah, Mr. Pearce?"

Before the staff could finish, Uriah ran out of the office and called Gavin.

"Mr. Bolton. According to the staff, those are animal ashes, not human's. Those are not... hers."

Gavin hung up the phone in silence and clenched the phone with his fingers.

So that woman was still alive!

Lesly Atkins had fooled him for six years! Six whole years!