Chapter 7 You're Really Alive

Waterford International Kindergarten.

As the most expensive private kindergarten in City A, Waterford Kindergarten had strict security. It was difficult for outsiders to enter the kindergarten, so Lesly did not risk entering the kindergarten. Instead, she waited outside.

She was sitting in a low-key luxurious car, staring at the gate of the kindergarten.

Many branded cars were parked outside of the gate. The car windows were all tinted. Outsiders could not see the people inside at all. Occasionally, some children were brought out of the kindergarten, yet there was no sight of the child Lesly wanted to see.

Lesly clenched the steering wheel, and her heart was full of despair.

Even though she had been waiting at the gate of the kindergarten for three days, she had yet to see her child.

Could it be that she needed to go in?

Lesly was feeling lost and helpless. Suddenly, a noise was heard from outside the car.

Not far from the kindergarten gate, there were a few people crowding around, looking anxious while talking about something. It seemed that there was a child who had suddenly fainted.

Lesly recalled that she had not seen her child once. She immediately pushed open the door and ran out.

Lesly didn't wear her sunglasses nor her mask because of her anxiousness. She ran over and squeezed through the crowd.

"I am a doctor. Let me through." Lesly squeezed and said, "Let me through."

The person next to her looked at her and smiled. "Ma'am, are you a vet?"

"What?" Lesly was stunned. At that moment, the people in front of her stepped aside.

Lesly finally saw a dog in the middle. It was a dog that had suddenly fainted, not a child, not the child she had missed for six years.

At that moment, the owner of the dog ran over and left in a hurry. The crowd quickly dispersed one after another.

Lesly looked at the gate of the kindergarten with a sad look.

When would she be able to meet her child again?

"Lesly." A deep and hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind her. "You're really alive."

Hearing that, Lesly was shocked as she froze.

It was... Gavin's voice.

"It's been six years. You lied to me for six whole years!" The footsteps approached her. Gavin then walked in front of her.

He lowered his deep and dark eyes that were like a storm.

"Lesly, how dare you fool me!"

Lesly took two steps back, turned around, and ran.

But after a few steps, Gavin caught up with her. He held her tightly around her waist and dragged her to the other side.

There was a black limousine parked on the side of the road. A man who looked like an assistant stood in front of the car door. When he saw the two of them come over, he immediately opened the door.

Lesly struggled violently. She couldn't get into the car as she couldn't let Gavin take her away. That could not happen.

"Let me go!" Lesley struggled and said, "If you don't let me go, I will scream that I am being kidnapped. Gavin, do you want to lose your pride in front of so many parents at the kindergarten gate?"

Gavin sneered, "Scream all you want. If you don't want to see your son, then you should shout out loud."

Lesly's voice paused and gritted her teeth. "You're threatening me."

"Yes, I'm threatening you." Gavin said coldly, "It's not just a threat. Lesly, you've been lying to me for six years. I want you to pay!"

After that, Gavin pushed Lesly and forced her into the car.

The car door was closed and locked.

Lesley shrank her body and moved to the other side of the seat, trying to keep her distance.

"Six years ago, I lied to you that I was dead. Other than that, I don't think I owe you anything." Lesly waited for Gavin. "What's more, I left my child to you. Gavin, you owe me."

Gavin's face darkened, and he could not refute for a while.

Lesly continued to say, "Before the divorce, you were cold to me and wronged me. After the divorce, I got out of the house and didn't take a single penny with me. After divorce, I left my child, which I had worked so hard to give birth to, to you. Gavin, who really owes who?"