Chapter 8Are You Worthy?

Gavin leaned forward, and his handsome face was close to Lesly. Their noses were almost touching.

"We were married because you set me up and forced me to marry you. After we got married, I treated you coldly because you deserved it!" He said each word ruthlessly.

"As for the divorce, did I force you to leave the house? You chose to do so yourself. I never said that I wouldn't give you any money."

Lesly's face paled bit by bit.

She didn't expect Gavin to say something so heartless.

"As for the baby. If you hadn't drugged me and forced me to sleep with you, how could you be pregnant? The baby should have been mine. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Lesly opened her mouth, but she couldn't find anything to refute.

She smiled sadly. "You're right. I deserve everything. I brought this upon myself."

After that, she pushed Gavin away on the chest.

"Since you already know that I am not dead, I don't have to beat around the bush with you. I want to see my son," Lesly requested, "I am his mother, and I have the right to see him."

Gavin returned to his seat, his face cold and ruthless.

"You do have the right, but I'm afraid that your child will not be willing to see you."

"Impossible!" Lesly retorted, "He is my son, my own flesh and blood. I don't believe that he has never thought about me."

"Of course he thought about you." Gavin said with a sneer, "He thought about how ruthless you were when you abandoned him when he was three days old."

Lesly's face turned pale and said in a hoarse voice: "At that time, I didn't have a choice."

She had not yet had her surgery, her life was uncertain, and Gavin was closing in on her. She really had no choice.

If she did not leave him, then Lulu and Lucca would definitely be taken away by Gavin.

"What do you mean by you had no choice? Don't find excuses for your weak and ruthless behavior." Gavin sneered. "You're just selfish by abandoning him."

Lesly closed her eyes. She couldn't refute this.

Because she did leave him to protect the other two children.

"Can you tell me his name?" Lesly asked, "I won't bother him. I just want to know if he is well."

"He is doing well." Gavin's face was cold. "Besides, he will have a new mother soon."

Lesly remembered the pregnant woman in the elevator and clenched her fingers.

"Since you have a new family and you will have another child soon, can you return my child to me?"

"What do you mean by your child?" Gavin turned his head and looked at her coldly. "Lesly, are you worthy?"

The last bit of blood on Lesly's face also disappeared in an instant.

Gavin sneered, and his tone was cold and cruel.

"You don't know how much your son hates you, his mother who had abandoned him."

Lesly's shoulders trembled as she bit her lips. Her eyes could not help but turn red.

"I can make it up to him, I..."

"I can tell you his name." Gavin suddenly said with a cruel smile. "As long as you promise me on one condition."

Lesly could foresee that it would definitely not be a good condition, but she had no other choice. She could only say, "Okay, tell me, on what condition?"

Gavin separated his straight legs, staring at Lesly with dark eyes.

"Kneel between my legs until I am satisfied. Then, I will tell you your son's name."

Lesly froze instantly. Her face turned red and white. "Gavin, don't push it!"

The smile on Gavin's face did not disappear. "Lesly, if you don't agree, you won't be able to know your child's name and face."

Lesly bit her lips and said nothing.

Gavin said calmly, "Let me tell you. He does not study in any kindergarten. He has professional teachers tutoring him one on one at home. Therefore, without my permission, it is impossible for you to see him."