Chapter 9 I Want You to Listen

"Gavin, you're pushing it too far." Lesly said angrily, "Is your child just a tool for you to threaten me?"

Gavin did not seem to want to continue arguing with Lesly. He said directly, "You only have two choices now. Do it or get out of here."

Lesly couldn't help but sneer and muttered to herself: "I must be crazy to waste time trying to reason with you. People like you simply can't communicate."

After that, she knocked on the front section of the car and said lightly, "Please stop, I want to get off."

Gavin's eyes suddenly became cold. "Lesly, don't you want to see your child at all?"

Lesly looked up. Her face was still pale, and her eyes were slightly red. But her eyes were so firm and determined at that moment, which made Gavin's heart flutter for a second.

"Not only will I see him, but I will also take him away. Gavin, let's make a bet." Lesly said.

"Bet on what?"

Lesly said, "Let's bet on whether I can take my child away under your nose or not. If I can't do it, then you will never disturb us forever."

Gavin lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Lesly chuckled as disdain flashed in her bright eyes.

"What, you don't dare?"

Gavin sneered, "Why wouldn't I dare? But I want to add one more thing. If you can't do it, you must listen to me forever. In the future, no matter what I want you to do, you aren't allowed to refuse."

"Okay, I agree," Lesly replied without hesitation.

The car stopped as Lesly opened the door and got off without looking back.

Gavin's car was still parked there even though she had left for a long time.

Gavin's face darkened as he lowered his eyes. No one knew what he was thinking.

But his driver and assistant who had followed him for many years clearly understood that Gavin was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Gavin tapped on his knee lightly. A few seconds later, he said, "Investigate Lesly again. I want to know everything she has done in the past six years."

"Yes, sir."

"Also." Gavin narrowed his eyes. "Strengthen the security of the house. I don't even want a single fly to fly in."


His assistant listened and began giving out orders one by one.


Lesly walked very fast as if to vent her feelings. She kept moving forward with her head lowered. She slowly stopped once she realized her legs had begun to hurt.

She clenched her fists tightly.

"Gavin, you bastard!"

Lesly couldn't help but curse that man in his heart. A shameless hooligan, an ungrateful bastard, he should just choke on his own saliva.

After more than ten minutes of continuous cursing, Lesly slowly calmed down.

She took a deep breath and began to plan. She thought about how to see her child secretly and take him away.

When Lesly returned home, it was already eight o'clock at night.

When the nanny saw her come back, she hurried over and said, "Ms. Atkins, you're finally back. Lucca refuses to eat anything today. It's useless to persuade her."

Lesly was anxious and asked, "Why didn't he eat again?"

The nanny shook her head blankly. "I don't know, either. The dishes were all made according to your instructions, but he is not willing to eat a single bite..."

"What about Lulu, did she eat?"

When talking about Lulu, she showed a gentle smile. "She is very obedient. She also advised Lucca to eat."

"Alright, I understand. You can go and have a rest, Aunt Elyse."

Aunt Elyse nodded and left.

Lesly walked to Lucca's bedroom door and knocked gently, "Lucca, can I come in?"

There was no response from inside, and Lesly immediately understood that Lucca was upset. Although she did not know why, every time he was upset, he would not respond to her.

"I'm coming in."

Lesly pushed open the door and walked in.

Lucca was solving a difficult jigsaw puzzle with his back towards Lesly.

"What's wrong?" Lesly sat down next to him and asked gently, "Why did I do wrong? Can you tell me?"

Lucca pressed down on a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. His voice was very low and mature, unlike a six-year-old child.

"Mommy, do you have a boyfriend?"