Chapter 10 Are You Angry

Lesly laughed. Why is this child acting like he's trying to catch a cheater?

She looked at the sleeping Lulu beside them and then held her son in her arms. She rubbed her chin against his cheek and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Lucca lowered his head and held a piece in his hand.

"Because you have been out in the afternoon these days, and you have been sad since you've came back."

Lesly was stunned. She didn't expect Lucca to be so observant. She didn't intend to hide anything from her children and said directly, "Lucca, you and Lulu have an elder brother."

It was Lucca's turn to be stunned.

Lesly went on to say, "I gave birth to triplets, but I had to leave him to someone for some reason. I went out these days to see him and take him back."

Lucca quickly accepted Lesly's words and said, "But you haven't seen him, have you?"

Lesly nodded sadly.

Lucca looked up at Lesly and said astonishingly, "Mommy, did you leave him to father?"

Lesly was surprised: "How did you know?"

"I guess so."

After that, Lucca got up from Lesly's arms, knelt on the ground, and continued to piece the jigsaw together. He looked depressed with his head down, and he seemed to be unhappy.

"Lucca, what's wrong?" Lesly coaxed. "Are you angry?"

Lucca shook his head and said after a moment of silence, "Will we be unable to leave if you can't bring back up my brother?"

Lesly smiled and pinched Lucca's face, "Why are you so lacking in confidence in mommy? How can mommy not pick up your brother? Half a year, just like I promised you before。 Half a year later, we can leave."

Lucca finally relaxed.

Lesly hugged Lucca again and said, "But, I have a problem where I need your help..."

"Okay." Lucca didn't ask much. He just blinked and said, "I will help mommy."

Lesly was planning to carry out her plan that night.

She was afraid that it would be too late if she delayed her plan. She was even more afraid that Gavin, that b*stard, would be more guarded. By then, it would be even more difficult for her to take her child out.

At eight o'clock at night, Lesly went out and met Amya downstairs.

Amya also knew of Lesly's plan. She had been bold and restless since she was a child. Now she was eager to fight alongside her friend.

"Lesly, don't worry. I promise to accomplish your mission." She winked at Lesly. "I'll definitely help you bring out your son out."

Lesly smiled and said, "Thank you."

At the same time, Lucca was facing the computer and typing codes rapidly.

His task was to hack the security and power system of the Bolton family house.

Lucca's fingertips typed on the keyboard quickly, making continuous cracking sounds. Lulu was awakened by the noise. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and asked in a child-like voice, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Lulu leaned over curiously and looked at the complex messages that were quickly jumping on the screen. She was obviously confused.

Lucca glanced at the progress of the hacking and estimated that there was still some time left. So he stopped and asked Lulu, "Are you hungry?"

In order to accompany Lucca, Lulu did not eat much today.

"I'm hungry!" Lu Lu nodded as she pouted her lips.

Lucca let go of the keyboard, picked up the phone beside him, and sent a message to Aunt Elyse, "I want some food."

After a while, Aunt Elyse gently pushed the door open and brought in food.

She knew that Lucca was quiet and did not like to talk or communicate with others. She left the food and left quietly.

Lulu was very sensible and didn't make a fuss when she quietly picked up the food to eat.

Seeing this, Lucca was relieved. When he was about to continue hacking, he realized that there was a very complicated hidden code, which was trying to invade Lucca's computer through his code.

Lucca was stunned and felt a little shocked.

It was the first time in history that someone had ever been able to hack his computer.

Who was the person on the other side of the computer?

That person was so smart.