Chapter 11 Found You

In the Bolton family house.

Arnav Bolton sat cross-legged on the chair while typing quickly on the keyboard with a poker face. The light of the computer screen fell on his young face. It also reflected his dark eyes, which were exactly like Gavin's.

The moment Lucca hacked into the house security system, Arnav discovered it. He immediately did a counterattack.

For Arnav, the other person was also the first to invade his house security system.

He was very curious about the person's identity and purpose, so he decided to hack back. He planned to directly control the other person's computer and look through his information.

The typing sound of the keyboard was getting faster and faster, and the codes on the computer screen appeared faster and faster.

Finally, he succeeded!

Arnav was happy as his lips curled up. Just as he was about to enter the person's computer to check their documents, his computer screen suddenly went dark.

A blackout had occurred.

It turned out that the other party had also successfully invaded the power system of the house and cut off the power source.

Arnav and Lucca's initial confrontation ended in a tie.

Nine o'clock at night.

Lesly arrived at the door of the Bolton family house.

She and Amya had separated on the road. She walked towards the fencing of the house and climbed over the wall. She used the blackout as a chance to enter the old house as there would not be any alarms.

Lesly was sure that her child was in the house.

After avoiding the security guards' patrol and search, Lesly flexibly climbed into the main building along the outside pipe.

She entered from the window on the second floor and began to search for the child from one room to another.

But after searching the entire second floor, she found no trace of her child. She did not even find a toy.

Could he be on the third floor?

Lesly gritted her teeth and was about to go upstairs to check. Suddenly, through the corridor window, she saw something unusual.

Two maids, carrying flashlights and food boxes, trotted out of the main building.

A beige two-story house was built in what used to be a small garden.

The two maids ran to the house, opened the door, and closed it alertly.

Lesly curled her lips and smiled proudly. She found it.

It turned out that her child was hidden there.

Lesly jumped down from the window and approached the small building quietly.

At the same time, at the Bolton family house gates.

Amya parked her car under a tree 50 meters away from the main entrance, staring nervously in the direction of the road.

All of a sudden, a beam of light came from afar.

Amya clenched the steering wheel, started the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove in front of the incoming car.

The two cars were driving in opposite directions of each other, and they were about to collide with each other. At that moment, the other car quickly hit the brakes as the two cars narrowly avoided a car accident.

The car stopped. The driver lowered the window and stuck his head out and scolded, "What are you doing? Do you want to die?"

Amya clenched the steering wheel, took a deep breath, opened the door, and shouted, "Gavin, get out of the car!"

She knocked on the window roughly and rudely.

"Why did you dig up Lesly's grave? You are too heartless. No matter what, she is still your ex-wife. How can you do this? You won't even let go of her grave!"

Amya's plan was to stall Gavin, who had come back.

But no matter how she scolded, there was no response in the car.

Amya felt something strange and could not help but peer inside the dark window.

The driver in front snorted and said, "Stop looking. My boss is not in the car."

Amya was shocked. "What? He's not here?"

The driver said, "Yes, he is not here, so stop your malicious intentions. Our boss will not be easily fooled, he..."

Amya had no mood to listen to the driver. She hurriedly took out her cell phone and called Lesly.

She felt that their mission tonight was going to be a failure.

Gavin, that bastard, seemed to have predicted everything.

Their situation was bad.

Amya was so anxious that her fingers shook. Lesly's invasion into the Bolton family house might have just been a trap.