Chapter 12 Lock Her Up

Lesly was outside the beige house. After the maid came out, she quietly pushed the door open and entered the house.

Because of the blackout, the bedroom on the second floor was dark, and there was only flickering candlelight in the bedroom on the second floor.

Lesly lightened her footsteps and slowly went upstairs.

She stood at the door and listened for the sound in the room. There was no sound. Maybe he was asleep...

Lesly tidied up her hair and clothes, hoping that her sudden arrival would not make the child feel repulsed.

Lesly put her hand on the doorknob and was just about to open the door when footsteps suddenly sounded behind her.

"Who is it?" Lesly turned around. Before she could see the person behind him, her eyes were covered as she was slammed to the wall.

"Let me go!" Lesly cursed and quickly hit him with her knee.

The man that covered her eyes took a step back and easily avoided Lesly's attack.

Lesly's vision was restored, but all she could see was darkness.

The lights in the bedroom went out somehow, and the whole house fell into darkness.

Lesly tensed up and stared at the darkness in front of her. "Who are you?"

The person opposite her did not speak.

In the dark, there were slow and leisure footsteps. "Thump!" The footsteps began to circle Lesly.

Suddenly, that person attacked.

Lesly frowned and immediately countered him.

Unexpectedly, the man was more skillful. He grabbed Lesly's wrist and pressed her face against the door forcefully.

"Lesly," the man's deep and hoarse voice rang in his ear, "You really surprised me."

It was Gavin!

"Gavin!" Lesly was furious as she struggled. "Let me go. Stay away from me!"

Gavin did not retreat but moved forward. His strong and warm chest pressed tightly against Lesly's back.

"Lesly, I don't remember you being like this before." Gavin's lips were almost next to Lesly's ears. "You hacked my security system and caused a blackout. You even sneaked into my house."

He chuckled softly, his voice mellow and charming.

"You've been lying to me ever since you met me, or...did you learn all of this in the six years after you left?"

"What does that have to do with you?" Lesly struggled and used her back to hit Gavin's chest, hoping to push him away.

But as she knocked onto him, she then felt something hard behind her.

Lesly's face turned hot.

"Gavin, you b*stard, stay away from me!"

Gavin did't move and said shamelessly, "Who told you to keep squirming around me? Lesly, do you want to seduce me again, just like six years ago?"

Before the divorce, Lesly even did not hesitate to drug him in order to sleep with him.

Thinking of this, Gavin's eyes darkened. If that was what she wanted that, he could have gone along with it.

"Disgusting! You shameless b*stard." Lesly's face turned redder. "I won't be as blind as I was six years ago. I didn't come here for you."

Gavin was not surprised at all. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you here to steal my child?"

Lesly said angrily, "That's my child, my own flesh and blood."

"I don't care what you say, Lesly," Gavin remained unmoved and said, "I have the same condition. If you want to see him, you have to pay for it."

After that, he blew in Lesly's ear ambiguously.

"And, now I want to double it."

Lesly turned her head sideways to avoid him. At the same time, she hit Gavin with her elbow and pushed him away.

"Gavin, you are shameless! Besides, I gave birth to the child. If you don't let me see him, I can sue you!"

Gavin took a few steps back and straightened his shirt.

"Lesly, since you are so unwilling to cooperate, I don't mind giving you a proper reminder, or... warning."

Gavin turned around and went downstairs.

"This house is a cell specially prepared for you. Lesly, since you came in by yourself, you can't go out until you think it through."

Soon, there was a click of the door downstairs.

Gavin, that b*stard had actually locked Lesly in the house!