Chapter 13 Who Are You

Lesly chased after him, held the doorknob, and pulled it hard. The door couldn't open.

The tiny sounds of electric currents continuously rang out, and the power supply of the area was restored.

Lesly slammed the door and said, "Gavin, you are holding me against my will, it is illegal."

Gavin said calmly from the other side, "You were the one who illegally snuck into my house. What I did could only be considered as a legitimate defense."

"Gavin, you b*stard!" Lesly could not help but curse, "Shameless!"

Gavin stared at the closed door and did not speak.

Six years ago, when Lesly left, Gavin thought every day that once he found that woman, he would lock her up so that she could never escape.

Now, he really did it.

That woman was really locked up here.

Gavin curled his lips and smiled comfortably. "Lesly, I still have the same condition. If you want to see your child, please me first."

The answer to Gavin was a heavy kick on the door.

"In your dreams!" Lesly was furious. "Gavin, one day, I will make you kneel down and apologize to me."

Gavin sneered and said, "Don't worry, that day will never come. Now, calm down and stay inside."

After saying this, Gavin left the house.

He returned to the main building.

"Dad." A small child stood on the stairs to the living room. "Have you settled it?"

That child was Arnav Bolton

"Yes." Gavin walked over and reached out his hand to pat Arnav's head. "It's late. Go and sleep."

Arnav shook off Gavin's hand unhappily. "Don't touch my head. I'm no longer a child."

Gavin retracted his hand and said sternly, "Go and rest then."

"But I want to know who that woman is." Arnav raised his head. His young face had a sense of maturity and steadiness that didn't match his age. He frowned, "Is she a vixen who has ruined our family like that other woman?"

Although Arnav had never seen his biological mother and had always known that he had been abandoned by her, in his heart, his mother was still very important. Even up to now, he had been dreaming of meeting her.

Gavin wanted to try to explain but gave up immediately.

"Yes, she's the same as that other woman." Gavin said coldly deliberately, "So I locked her up in the house. You're not allowed to approach her, understood?"

Arnav snorted, walked past Gavin and quickly went upstairs.

"I'm not going to talk to that shameless woman." Arnav took a few quick steps, standing on top, and looked at his father from above. "Also, if you really want to marry that other woman, then I will absolutely not speak to you in the future."

His attitude was more arrogant than Gavin's.

Arnav went back to his bedroom and leaned against the door, looking down, zoning out.

He felt that the situation was strange. His father's attitude towards the woman who had intruded tonight was very strange.

He did not treat that woman coldly like Millie Morris, nor did he obviously hate that woman. He had a kind of indescribable complex feeling.

And that woman's accomplice, that hacker who invaded the system tonight, was so skillful that he couldn't be an ordinary person.

Arnav walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked down at the house.

What was the identity of that woman in that house?

A moment later, Arnav turned around and went downstairs and ran straight to the house.

His father did not allow him to talk to that woman. So, he must talk to her.

He wanted to see what was different about that woman.

In a few steps, Arnav arrived at the door of the house.

Lesly, who was in the house, was still knocking on the door.

"Gavin, come back!" Lesly shouted angrily, "Gavin!"

Arnav slowed down and walked closer. He was a little nervous when he heard the woman's voice.

"Hello." Arnav said, "Who are you?"

Lesly suddenly heard the child's voice. She was stunned and asked nervously, "What... what's your name?"

Was he... Gavin's son?