Chapter 34: Hiring Contract

Lesly suppressed her anger and walked cautiously into Gavin's apartment.

Gavin sat on a sofa. His tailored dark suit made him look elegant and cold.

He looked down at the documents in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Lesly asked bluntly.

Gavin did not answer her. He seemed to be reading some documents seriously. He held the documents and turned the pages distractedly.

He finally asked, "Are you free this weekend?"

Lesly asked cautiously, "Why?"

Gavin lowered his eyes and Lesly could not see his expression clearly.

"I'll let you meet Arnav."

Lesly's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you serious?"

Gavin raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"Okay." Lesly immediately agreed, "When? Where? I will be there on time."

Gavin reached out and put the document in front of Lesly. "Before you see him, you must sign this contract."