Chapter 35: Meeting the Parents

"No." Lesly replied without hesitation, "I won't marry him again."

Lulu quickly glanced at Harry. Compared with the father she had never seen before, she preferred the gentle and considerate Harry to be her father. But when she heard Lesly's answer, she did not know why, but she felt a sense of loss.

Harry walked over and patted Lulu's head.

"It doesn't matter. I'll take you to play on the weekend. Shall we go to the zoo to see the Sika deers?" Harry smiled gently, and his tone was full of love.

Lulu looked at Harry and remembered that Harry had cared for their family over the years. She gritted her teeth and held Harry and Lesly's hands.

"Mommy, I hope that you can be with Uncle Harry," Lulu said sensibly. "Uncle Harry is better than the bad father who abandoned us. He also treats you well."

Lesly laughed. "What is in your mind? Harry and I are just friends."

Harry's eyes darkened, but he quickly recovered his smile.

Lulu did not understand. "But..."