Cahpter 49 Proposal

The place where Lesly had gotten down was desolate and remote. She did not see a single taxi after waiting for a long time.

She did not dare to order a car online as her location was too remote. In the end, she could only call Harry and ask him to pick her up.

After hanging up the phone, Lesly waited for half an hour, and then Harry came.

Lesly sat in the front passenger seat and asked curiously, "It's quite far from your house. How did you reach here so fast?"

"When I received your call, I immediately came out. It was too late. I was afraid that you would have met an accident," Harry said, handing Lesly a thermos cup. "I brought some lemon water. It's still hot. Drink quickly and sober up."

Lesly was stunned for a moment. Harry was always considerate and extremely gentle towards her

Lesly accepted the thermos with both hands and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"You don't need to be so polite with me." Harry patted Lesly's head. "It makes me feel like I'm a stranger."