Chapter 50 Will You Marry Me?

Lesly went downstairs and called Harry to the terrace on the first floor. She whispered to him, "Your mother said you would propose to me today? Is it true?"

Harry paused for a moment as he quickly smiled. "That's impossible. You are not really my girlfriend."

Lesly breathed a sigh of relief: "Your mother had said so. I was scared to death."

Harry said with a bitter smile, "So, me proposing to you is that terrible?"

Lesly realized that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained, "It's not terrible. I didn't prepare for it at all. What if your parents find out it's an act?"

"You don't have to think so much." Harry patted her on the shoulder. "If my mother really egged this on, you'll have to accept it first. Anyway, I'll go abroad after some time, and we won't really get married."

Lesly suddenly felt a little uneasy. "You're not really..."

"Harry," Mr. Whitaker shouted from inside, "Your grandparents are here. Go to greet them."