Chapter 51 I Love You the Most

Lesly was stunned. She suddenly realized that what Harry's mother had said was true. Harry had indeed proposed to her.

Harry must have planned it a long time ago. This ring, which had been prepared in advance was proof. No wonder that when Lesly asked about the proposal, Harry had never answered her directly.

It turned out that he had been hiding it from her for a long time.

Lesly felt angry. Since she had already promised Harry, she would help him deal with his parents, so she would definitely cooperate. However, even if there was a proposal scene, he should tell her in advance, not like now, doing it first and talking it out later.

Harry was sure he would win. Lesly would not refuse him in front of his family.

Thinking of the care Harry had given her and her children in recent years, Lesly could not bear to embarrass Harry in such a way.

But she was also reluctant to agree, so she tried to delay it.