Chapter 71 Dad Is a Bad Guy

Gavin walked over and squatted down, looking at the little girl who had just called him dad.

The girl was cute. She had delicate features and big watery eyes. She looked innocent and sweet.

Gavin had met her before. He knew that this girl was Lesly's daughter, Lulu.

"Why are you here?" Gavin asked in a gentle tone that even he didn't notice.

Lulu blinked and soon recognized who the man was. They had seen him in the hospital before.

That man had introduced himself in front of her mother. He was her mother's ex-husband, her biological father.

She pursed her lips and couldn't help but cry, "Daddy!"

Lulu threw herself into Gavin's arms and cried, "I missed you so much, daddy!"

Gavin was stunned. He put his warm and broad palm on Lulu's back. He should have pushed the girl away and told her that he was not her father. She was a b*stard made by Lesly and another man. He had nothing to do with her.

However ...