Chapter 72 Lulu's Disappeared

"Lulu!" Gavin hurriedly chased after her. At that moment, an old lady passed by. He stepped forward and accidentally bumped into the old lady.

"Ouch!" The old lady fell to the ground, rolling and screaming. "My arm, my arm."

Gavin wanted to help the old lady up, but then he wanted to chase after Lulu. He hesitated for a second, but still could not ignore the injured old lady.

"Are you ok?" Gavin helped the old lady up.

"My arm seems to be broken. It hurts so much..." The old lady's face was pale as her forehead was covered with sweat.

Gavin frowned and quickly took out his cell phone. First, he called an ambulance, then called the management and asked them to send people here. Finally, he called his assistant over.

He made a phone call and arranged everything properly. In the end, he patiently explained it to the old lady.