Chapter 73 Your Own Flesh and Blood

Amya pushed Gavin and forced him to take a few steps back. He held Amya's hand and pulled her away.

"I did not take Lulu. It was you who didn't take good care of her. You lost her." Gavin was also angry. "This situation is your fault."

It was indeed Amya's fault. She couldn't refute it. After stammering for a while, she suddenly thought, "But did you see Lulu? Otherwise, how do you know that she was just with me? Where's Lulu? Where did you hide her?"

Gavin waved Amya away. "It's none of your business."

"How is it none of my business?" Amya was anxious. She was afraid that Gavin would take Lulu away. If that happens, Lesly would be very sad. She hurriedly said, "Gavin, Lulu is not your daughter. You have no right to take her away."

Her words made Gavin's face suddenly turn cold.

"You're right. We're not related, so what does it have to do with me if she's missing now?" Gavin's face was cold. "What right do you have to question me now?"