Chapter 84 Arnav, Forgive My Selfishness

Lesly's expression was a little unnatural. Although her heart was in a mess, she clearly realized that she had to say that Lulu was not his daughter.

Otherwise, according to Gavin's character, he would definitely take Lulu away.

Seeing her reaction, Gavin couldn't help but sneer. "Amya told me everything. Now, what else do you have to hide? She admitted that Lulu was my biological daughter and asked me to save you for Lulu's sake."

These words explained all of Lesly's doubts.

No wonder he knew her whereabouts and saved her in time.

It turned out that Amya told him about Lulu. Lesly's heart immediately began to worry. Since Amya mentioned Lu Lu, would she mention Lucca?

Lesly clenched her fists tightly and said disapprovingly, "Do you think what she said is true? She was just afraid that you would not save me, so she lied to you deliberately. If you don't believe me, we can go to do the DNA test now."

Lesly's last sentence was firm. It was as if what she said was true.