Chapter 85 Deal With Bethany

Lesly rebandaged the wound on her leg since it had reopened after searching for Arnav yesterday.

This time, she had to rest in bed. She could only get out of bed after her wound had started to scab.

Lesly called Amya. Amya asked carefully, "Lesly, how are you doing now?"

Ever since she had told Gavin the truth, she had been regretting it. However, under such circumstances, she had no other choice but to ask for Gavin's help.

Lesly rubbed her eyebrows and said, "My wounds have been bandaged, but I still have to rest in bed for the next few days. I need you to help me take care of Lulu and Lucca for a few more days."

Amya quickly said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of them. By the way, I have something to tell you."

Halfway through her sentence, Lesly interrupted her. "Do you want to tell me that Gavin knows that Lulu is his daughter?"

Amya was a little surprised and asked, "How did you know that?"