Chapter 93 The Truth

Lesly carefully hid her body in the shadows from a maid that had just come out of the small building.

The maid was holding a lunch box in her hand. Lesly heard her sigh and shook her head. "How can such a young child not eat every day?"

After the maid left, Lesly hurried in.

Arnav was looking out the window with his back towards her. His thin figure looked lonely. Lesly choked on her tears and said, "Arnav."

Arnav turned his head and saw her, he said angrily, "What are you doing here? You're not welcome here. Get out of here."

The way Arnav looked at his mother as if she were his enemy made Lesly's heart ache. No one could understand how it felt to be hated by her own son.

Lesly held back the sadness in her heart and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I heard that you were sick, so I came to see you."

Under the moonlight, she could clearly see the outline of Arnav's face. His face had sharpened greatly. He looked exactly the same as Gavin.