Chapter 129 She wants to live with her mom

Gavin was also stunned. He immediately reacted and said, "Arnav, it's wrong for you to hit someone. Apologize to your aunt."

Arnav said in a bad temper again, "No, I don't. It's impossible for a woman like her to learn her lesson if she doesn't suffer."

At this moment, Gavin was also angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "I asked you to apologize! I spoiled you so much that I made you such a lawless person."

Arnav looked into his eyes fearlessly and said, "I knew you didn't want to raise me anymore. I just want to be with this bad woman."

Gavin frowned. "What's going on?"

He looked at Arnav in confusion. He didn't quite understand where this idea came from.

His silence had already become a tacit admission in Arnav's eyes. His little hands were clenched tightly beside him. Arnav shouted, "Why don't you spend some time with this bad woman?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran upstairs with his legs.
