Chapter 130 Arnav Is Missing

Arnav had already found out where they were now, but he didn't expect that they were still living in the previous community.

When the doorbell suddenly rang in the middle of the night, Lesly instantly became alert. Looking out through the cat's eyes, she saw a small figure.

At this time, Arnav looked up and called softly, "Mommy."

Lesly quickly opened the door and took her to the sofa. She asked with a little anger, "Why did you run out at midnight? Didn't I tell you before? It's very dangerous for a child to be alone outside."

Arnav didn't listen to her nagging and directly buried himself in her arms. Smelling the familiar smell of milk, he said in a low voice, "Mommy, I miss you so much."

Lesly seemed to be petrified in an instant. She lowered her head and looked at Arnav. She said in an excited tone, "Arvav, what did you say just now?"

Arnav stared at her and repeated in a firm tone, "Mommy, I miss you so much."