Chapter 2 Arms wrapped around Lola

This morning, I was awakened by the pain from my lower body. Memories from last night were like a vivid nightmare.

Phoenix had taken my virginity away as if it was his enemy.

It shattered all the fantasies I ever had about him and my wedding night.

His side of the bed was already cold.

The bloodstains on the white sheets were evocative of last night's events.

Enduring my pain, I got up to the bathroom for a shower, put on a new outfit, and changed the bedsheets.

I headed downstairs after that. Phoenix was having breakfast while reading the newspaper at the dining table.

The morning sun poured through the window and laid gently on Phoneix's skin, bathing him in its warm light. 

I had loved him secretly for 12 years. Marrying him and having breakfast with him under the same roof was a dream I never dared make but desired.

That dream became a reality but I had no courage to live it.

His wild and possessive demeanour last night was a constant reminder that I never really knew him.

"Ms. Johnston, you're awake."

While I was staring at Phoenix, the maid saw me and greeted me politely.

She didn't call me "Madam" like yesterday.

Instead, she called me "Ms. Johnston".

Although I was a little dissatisfied, I knew my place and didn't dare question her. I did my best to conceal my feelings and sat on the opposite side of Phoenix.

The maid brought breakfast over but I only took a few bites as I had no appetite.

I looked up and noticed that just like me, Phoenix didn't touch much of his food.

Unsure whether I was attempting to break the ice or improve our failing marriage, I began speaking, "Sorry for getting up late today. From tomorrow onwards, I will be up early to prepare your breakfast."

If there was one talent I had, it was cooking.

I was a little expectant at first, but Phoenix merely tossed his cutleries and got up. "Let's go, our ride is waiting outside." he said in a cold demeanour.

"Where are we going?" seeing him somewhat discontented, I panicked.

I was worried that I had said something wrong.

I was never an introverted person, but with Phoenix, even breathing made me feel inferior.


At the door, Phoenix began to change his shoes and replied without looking at me, "Your home."

I sat in Phoenix's car till we arrived at the Johnston's home.

Before entering the house, I thought that the reason behind Phoenix's behaviour was because he was unsatisfied with our marriage, not because he found out that I was not Lola.

As I followed him into the house, Lola, whom I had sent to the airport yesterday was standing beside our parents in the living room.

Judging from her swollen eyes, she had been crying for a long time.

On the other hand, my parents looked furious.

After taking a glance at Phoenix, I thought he had already found out about the switch between Lola and me, so he asked someone to bring her back.

My heart started racing.

In this city, Phoenix was influential enough to go against anyone.

If this issue was only about me, the situation would have been simpler but now it involved my parents and Lola.

This made me feel guilty. As I was trying to come up with an explanation, Phoenix wrapped his arms around Lola, who was still crying. He lowered his head and comforted her, "Are you okay?"

His eyes were filled with tenderness that I had never seen before.