Chapter 3 Just an Outsider in Their World

I was confused upon seeing what had taken place. As I was about to question our situation, my father came up to me and gave me a hard slap across my face. "Grace Johnston, after raising you for three years, is this how you repay us?" he yelled.

The taste of blood slowly seeped into my mouth and I was struggling to see straight.

 "What's going on?" I asked as I tried to stand upright.

"The nerve of you to ask what's going on! Do you think we don't know what you've done? You plotted against your sister, fed her sleeping pills, and took her place to attend the wedding! If we hadn't found out earlier and brought Lola to the hospital, she wouldn't have survived!" he gave me another smack.


The impact of the slap was so huge that my legs gave way from dizziness.

Though I felt light-headed, I was perfectly capable of thinking straight.

A few days ago, my parents mentioned that Lola was in love with Peyton Booth, a colleague from their company. However, they were afraid of disobeying Phoenix, so they asked me to marry him instead.

The day before yesterday, I personally sent Lola to the airport and had watched her enter the security checkpoint.

So why am I the villain now?

My brain was in a mess.

Part of the truth was beginning to unfold but I didn't want to believe it.

The slaps didn't seem to satisfy my father. He picked up a wooden stool and hurled it towards me.

Frightened, I tried to dodge but wasn't fast enough.

It landed on my back, which hurt badly.

I held my tears back through the excruciating pain, which was a bad habit I developed at the orphanage. 

No matter how sick I was in those days, I had no one's shoulder to cry on.

So as time went by, I never expressed my pain regardless of how immense it was.

This habit of mine resulted in my father's dissatisfaction as he struck me again and again.

Finally, my mother had seen enough. She grabbed hold of the stool and exclaimed, "Stop it! You're going to kill her!"

"She deserved it!" my father scowled while he threw the stool aside.

I lifted my head to see Lola, who was in Phoenix's arms but had her eyes fixed on me. "Phoenix, my parents have already taught her a lesson, so can we put this behind us? After all, she grew up in an orphanage, so she's bound to have learned some bad things." she said.

Although she sounded sympathetic, it was apparent that those were eyes of betrayal, not sympathy.

This confirmed my guesses.

I curled up quietly in the corner of the room as the pain became unbearable. If my father gave me one more strike, my back could break. 

"Let's talk about it later." Phoenix said, after taking one look at me. There were mixed emotions in his eyes.

After that, they left for the living room.

"Get upstairs or I will kill you!" my father yelled at me.

I watched as Lola sat next to Phoenix with their fingers intertwined and arms linked intimately.

This is what a married couple should look like.

Pain shot up my back at every step I climbed. It felt like forever to get to the top of the stairs.

But compared to my body, it was my punctured heart that hurt more.

Though I still haven't figured out everything, it was clear that I was double-crossed.

Behind me were the sounds of cheerful conversations of a happy and loving family.

I finally understood that this was their world and I was just an outsider.