Chapter 5 Just an Unwanted Family Member

Lola and my mother didn't seem to expect that I was awake. Though the lights were dim, I could tell that their faces were not good.

Putting on a fake smile, my mother asked, "Grace, how's your injury? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

I would have felt touched in the past, but now, my heart was colder than the winter.

Judging from my cold-eyed stare, Lola knew that I overheard their conversation. "Mum, stop pretending. It's obvious that this b*tch already knows what's going on," she interrupted.


The way she called me a 'b*tch' sounded like an old habit.

"B*tch?" I limped towards the empty sofa. "Well, this b*tch has four per cent of shares." I provoked.

As expected, my mother understood what I meant and lashed out, "Grace Johnston, it's your duty to repay us with those shares after all we've done for you!"

I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they were to spend so much effort just for such a small number of shares.

"What are you laughing at?" my mother asked.

Oh wait, after what happened, I shouldn't call her my mother anymore.

Her name was Libby Cooke, and Liam Johnston was my father's.

I stopped laughing and stared at Libby, "If you asked me before today's incident, I would have given you those shares without a thought. But now, the tables have turned."

They thought I would value profit as much as them, yet family love always came first to me.


But now, that dream of family love was gone.

Libby tried to speak but was too stunned to do so.

 "Mum, go upstairs. I'll have a nice chat with Grace." Lola motioned Libby upstairs.

It wasn't hard to predict that Lola was just going to talk nonsense.


After Libby went up, Lola sat next to me and said with a grin, "Grace, this is all our parents' idea. At first, I disagreed..." 

She can't lie to me anymore, not when I've already learned my lesson.

Lola carried on talking.

When I was done listening, I left for the door.

Seeing that I was determined to leave, she finally lost her patience and grabbed my wrist. "Grace Johnston, you're just an unwanted person in our family! Stop testing my patience!"

This was her true self.

I turned around and replied, "I wish Phoenix could take a look at you right now."

"Haha, you will never have this chance! Phoenix is now my husband, and you're nothing!" 

I suddenly pitied Phoenix.

What a waste it was for such a talented man to marry Lola.

"You should be aware that my fingerprint is on the marriage contract. So, the contract will only be terminated if I say so." I responded.

Lola was a little stunned to hear this.

Before she could respond, I continued, "So you and Phoenix are not husband and wife yet. This is now a fair competition."

I ran out of the house as soon as I was done.

Regardless of the vulgar words that Lola hurled from behind me, I held on to my pain and never looked back.