Chapter 6 You Can Do Anything You Want With Me

After leaving the Johnston's home, I had nowhere to go. All I could do was call my best friend, Paige Murphy.

Her phone was turned off.

Paige was my classmate in the orphanage. She was two years older than me and was sponsored by a kind-hearted boss of an enterprise. After she graduated from high school, she attended an aviation training institute because of her good looks and became an air stewardess after graduation.

A kind-hearted soul sponsored me too and gave me lots of help.

But I've never met this person.

Paige's phone was turned off, which meant that she was working.

While I walked along the streets in a muddled state, I spotted a bar on the street corner.

Just in time, I needed a drink.

This was my first time at a bar and it was different from what I expected.

It was not lively, but quiet and peaceful.

I moved slowly to the bar counter and pretended as a frequent customer. "One shot of vodka, no, three shots."

I didn't know much about liquor, but I knew that vodka was a favourite of the Russians.

I should be able to drink my sorrows away with it.

Sure enough, after taking those three shots in one sitting, my vision started to blur.

Seeing that I was tipsy, the bartender asked, "Madam, you're drunk. Do you have a friend that I can contact for you?"

Although I was drunk, I was still capable of thinking clearly.

His question got me a little perplexed.

A friend?

When I was in college, I was always busy working and didn't live in school dorms, so I rarely interacted with my classmates.

Since Paige was working, I had no other friends to contact.

Just as I was about to reject, Phoenix's number popped up in my head. 

I had already learned them by heart ever since I found out about them a few days ago.

I gave Phoenix's number to the bartender and told him my name when he asked for it. I then lied down on the bar table and waited.

"He's not coming." I thought.


But after a while, I heard a familiar voice. "Where is she?"

His voice sounded like the mellow sound of a cello in this quiet bar, pleasant to the ears.

I pretended to be drunk while Phoenix carried me and threw me onto the passenger seat. I could feel his breath against my neck. I wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but I knew what I wanted.


I opened my eyes at this thought and hooked my arms around his neck, then kissed him. I guess I really was drunk.

The sound of the seat belt clicking reached my ears.

As expected, I was overthinking again.

I was a bad kisser, and my lips only paused on his for a second before they were pushed away.

"You're disgusting. Don't you have any shame?" He said in an irritable tone.

My normal self would have gotten out of the car and left. But under the alcohol's influence, not only did I stay in the car, I looked into his eyes and responded, "I'm not disgusting. You're my first, but not hers."

Phoenix's face darkened immediately and grabbed my neck. "What did you say?"

This time, his grip was not very tight.

I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled myself close to him. "I saw Lola having s*x with Liam's driver in the garage with my own eyes. I also know that she dated a few boys from the boys' dormitory during the school holidays. They were caught by the dorm supervisor and punished. You won't find anything about the garage incident, but it's a piece of cake to check the boys' dormitory incident."

Our faces were so close to each other that I could see the gloomy look on Phoenix's face.

I've heard that men are mindful of this aspect. It turned out to be true.

I reached my fingers out to pinch his waist lightly and flirted. "But I'm clean, and only you can do anything you want with me."