Chapter 11 Do You Want to Take Her Life?

When I regained consciousness, I was in a single room of a medical center where a woman in her fifties was present. I recognized her at once. She was Aunt Elsa, the maid of my grandmother, Aurora Johnston.

"Aunt Elsa." I called out weakly.

Seeing that I was awake, she came over anxiously. "Don't move. I'll get the doctor."

With that, she rushed out of the room.

Judging from the looks of this room, I should be in Summerfield Medical Center.

"But why am I here? Why was my grandmother's maid looking after me?"

I had no one to ask these questions.

Aunt Elsa soon came in with a doctor and the doctor examined me. He explained that I was just experiencing excessive fatigue and low blood sugar. I just needed to replenish my nutrients when I get home.

I thanked the doctor. When he left, I asked Aunt Elsa what had happened.