Chapter 30 The Rest of Your Life in Prison

I arrived at the police station to find out that Lola was missing after meeting me in the afternoon. The search team looked for hours and finally found her unconscious and seriously injured at the bottom of the mountain around ten in the evening.

It was deduced that she had rolled down the mountain.

The police came to me because records showed that she called me last night, and I was the last person she texted before she went missing.

The content read, "Grace, I'm here. Where are you?"

I was confused and immediately argued, "Why would we call each other? Are you kidding me? We haven't contacted each other for several months!"

Although I denied it, the police showed me Lola's call history in the past month.

According to it, she and I called each other once every few days.

Judging from the number of calls, the police assumed that I had a good relationship with her.

"This is fake!" I denied.