Chapter 31 Don’t Kill My Child

Phoenix pushed me so hard that I felt a sharp pain in my spine and stomach.

The door was then slammed shut, and the police quickly followed to lock the door.

I dashed towards the door and yelled with my grip on the metal bars, "Phoenix, I'm pregnant with your child!"

"Then go to hell with it!"

All I heard from the dark corridor was his curse on my child.

I stood where I was, feeling wronged and outraged!

The next day, Matteo came. He assured me he would help me look for a lawyer.

But later, he told me that experienced lawyers were unwilling to accept this case, and only rookies were willing to give it a try. Although the chances were slim, he hoped that I wouldn't give up hope.

Don't give up? How can I not give up?

A month later, I was summoned for arraignment as the defendant.

Lola sat in a wheelchair, wearing a beautiful bean-coloured dress. Her long hair was tied into a bun, and she wore light makeup.