Chapter 38 Locked up in a Dog’s Cage

As I was about to leave, Phoenix called out, "There's no need to go." He then turned to the person in charge, "Find another company. I don't want to work with this one."


I didn't expect Phoenix to say that.

I didn't know what made him change his mind, but I'm sure it had something to do with me.

He hated me, so he vented his anger on this project.

Phoenix stood up, got a cigarette out of the inner pocket of his suit, and lit it.


He smoked and continued, "I have enough reason to doubt the professionalism of a company that doesn't check whether their employees lied about their background before hiring them."

"I didn't lie about anything!"

As I expected, this was about me.

"That's worse. This company is willing to employ someone who intentionally assaulted someone else, killed another woman's child, and had been in prison..."

Before Phoenix could finish, the people around us began to whisper amongst themselves.