Chapter 39 Being Shameless for Money

The next day, I was awakened by the aroma of congee.

I hadn't eaten for almost a day and was thirsty too.

Judging from the interior decoration, I was clearly in a man's home.

I could already guess where I was.

As soon as I tried to get up, everything around me spun, and I fell back onto the bed.


At that instant, Matteo walked through the door with a tray in his hand. On it was a bowl of congee and a side dish.

The moment he saw me get up, he immediately set the tray on the bedside table and held me. "Where do you want to go with such a high fever?"

Then he had me lean down on the bed and brought the congee towards me.

I wanted to pick the food up, but he stopped me. "The bowl is hot. I'll hold it for you."

I felt a little awkward and wanted to finish the congee as soon as possible.

But the porridge was very hot. I blew on it for a long time before I took a small bite.

Matteo watched nervously as I ate the porridge. "How is it? How's the taste?"