Chapter 52 Where Do You Think You’re Going?

When I opened my eyes, the iron window was in front of me again.

Moonlight penetrated through the bars and shone on the small cell.

This was not the detention centre, but the prison!

"No, no!"

Desperation burst out of me.

Wasn't I out of here?

Didn't I already leave this place?

Why am I still in prison?

I sprang to my feet and pounded hard on the cell door.

"Let me out! Let me out! I want to go out! I didn't hurt anyone!"

However, the prison corridor was empty.

No one answered.

I screamed for a long time till my voice was all gone.

I was in despair and helpless.


I squatted down and watched the long corridor. Tears kept rolling down my cheek.

I hugged my knees tightly.

"Why, why do you have to do this to me! I didn't do anything!"

"I swear I never did anything. I never hurt Lola!"

"I've already lost my child."

While I murmured to myself, I heard footsteps.
