Chapter 68 To Be a Faithful Wife

At this moment, I was summoned back to reality.

My wishful thoughts were all shattered thanks to this pill.

I tried to suppress the bitterness in my heart and pretended I was alright.

I wanted to take the pill as fast as I could, but my trembling hands prevented me from doing so.

I had no choice but to put the pill into my mouth and lift the cup with both of my hands.

To my relief, Phoenix didn't turn on the lights during the whole process.

He surely wouldn't see how helpless and sad I was.

I swallowed the pill, then pretended to speak in an aloof manner, "I took the pill. You don't have to worry about me being pregnant with your child now. So, can you leave now?"

Yet, he didn't.

Instead, he stood right beside me.

I thought he was afraid that I was merely pretending.

So, I drank all the water in the cup and showed him. "Mr. Waller, I swear I took the pill."

He took the cup with his gaze fixed on me.