Chapter 67 A Small Pill

"Don't forget what he did when you were in prison. Don't forget the dead child, and don't forget that he turned a blind eye to Lola's evil deeds..." I repeated at the back of my mind.


I had to make sure I maintained my guard against him, or else it would be a matter of time before my shield collapsed.

I didn't eat but left Bridge Corporation alone.

When I walked out, many employees were still having their meals. When they saw me, they started whispering.

They must have seen Phoenix when he left.

I couldn't care less and left quickly.

Instead of going home, I went to the Internet cafe.

I created my resume and applied to different design companies.

It was almost nighttime when I was done with the big companies.

I was so hungry that I had no strength to go home to cook, so I had my dinner at a fast-food restaurant before taking the bus home.

Aurora gave me a big house and a card with millions of dollars in it.