Chapter 66 It Isn’t All Bad to Be Mrs. Waller, Right?


Phoenix immediately refused without even thinking about it.

I had expected this. If he wanted to let me off easily, he would've agreed long ago.

But I came prepared this time.

I took out my cell phone and placed it on his desk with a played recording.

It was the recording of my conversation with Lola in her office.

That's right. I turned on the recording function when I went into her office.

Phoenix would be smart enough to recognize that this attitude of Lola's meant she had some involvement in this incident.

His face darkened. "Mr. Waller, if being your wife means torturing only me, then I'll accept it. But Lola wants this position so much that she has taken down the life of an innocent person."

"Torture?" Phoenix stood up and walked towards me. "It's torture for you to be Mrs. Waller?"

His face was impassive, but there was more than disgust in his eyes.