Chapter 76 A Kidnap

"What are you doing!"

I was so surprised that I wanted to withdraw my feet, but he held on to it and warned, "Don't move, lest I regret it later."

"Please don't. My feet are cold."

I was in a dilemma.

He placed my legs into his shirt. When my legs touched his abdominal muscles, I felt embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that your limbs are so cold during the winter?" He gave me a side-eye.


I didn't say much.

When I got off work the next day, Phoenix did not take me home but stopped his car at another building.

That building was where the most expensive units were.

"What are we doing here?"

I didn't understand what he was doing.

He held my hand in his pocket and said mysteriously, "You'll find out when you go in."

We took the elevator to the top floor.

When the elevator door opened, a pair of wooden doors with a fingerprint scanner was in sight.

The first thing Phoenix did was to work with the scanner. He then pressed my finger on it.