Chapter 77 Phoenix Waller Is My Husband

I took a deep breath.

Someone bought my life.

With the previous incidents, it wasn't hard to guess who this person was.

This made me think about my prison experience.

Could it be that Lola was behind all of it?

How could she have done it all on her own?

I calmed down and said, "Help me contact the person who hired you. Tell her that I uploaded those photos on a cloud service. If I don't log in within twenty-four hours, those photos will be uploaded on forums around the country every hour."

"I don't f*cking care about your photos!"

Rene yelled.

She finished her words with a kick on my thigh.

She had tortured me for a long time in prison, so I had learned to behave by crying out in pain.

"Rene, you don't know what I'm talking about, but she does. Tell her, and I promise that if I leave this place, I will pay you extra money," I said.

"How much?"

"Five million!"

Gritting my teeth, I blurted this amount!