Chapter 78 Stabbed

I had a meltdown this instant.


I shook my head and shuffled backwards, but Rene grabbed my hair and dragged me into the cage!

She locked the cage.

"Let me out!" I screamed.

Rene glanced at me. "Let you out? Dream on!"

Then, she said to her members, "Let's go out and discuss how to make her confess."

"Yes madam."

"No problem."

Her gang members answered.

I curled up in the cage. My body began trembling. The fear I felt this instant was even more intense than when my head was covered.

I was terrified that my experience in prison would replay.

When I closed my eyes, the scenes in prison flashed across my mind.

Terror washed over me.

This kind of fear wasn't the type I could control.

I even wondered whether I was sick.

Soon, they returned.

The way they tortured me was almost the same as in prison, but they didn't hold back this time. I curled up in the cage while they dripped melted candle wax on me.

I kept trying to dodge but was still burned.