Chapter 80 Will Never Drop the Lawsuit

I knew why she called me, so I didn't hesitate to block her number.

But soon, Liam called. I didn't have to think twice before blocking him too.

I had made up my mind.

No matter what people said, I wouldn't back down.

Lola killed my child. I couldn't let her go so easily.

As I was about to enter my housing area, someone called out, "Grace!"

Then, someone grabbed my hand.

I turned around and saw Libby flashing a big grin at me. "Grace, I haven't seen you in so long. You've lost weight!"

Liam followed from behind.

With a smile on his face and a branded package in his hand, I could see that the package contained a bag.

"What's the matter?" I asked with an impassive face.

To me, these two people were already out of my life.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, so I came to see how you are doing." As Libby spoke, she grabbed my arm without the intention to let go.

She tightened her grip as if she was afraid that I would run away.