Chapter 81 Over My Dead Body

I was extremely nervous. What I feared most was Aurora forcing me to withdraw the lawsuit.

With the amount of kindness she had shown me, I would compromise.

Aurora nodded after hearing my story. She patted my hand and said, "You've had a tough time, Grace."

I lowered my head, waiting for her to continue.

To my surprise, Aurora didn't persuade me to withdraw my complaint. Instead, she said, "Let it be then. We've spoilt Lola too much. It'll be good for her to learn her lesson. But when she goes in, Liam will arrange for people to take care of her. She won't have a hard time."

I knew that.

The prison cells were divided into various grades.

A person like me who had no support and was plotted against by Lola would end up with Rene in the worse living arrangement.

On the other hand, Lola would live in a single room with a computer and television.

Only her freedom was restricted.

I felt relieved after leaving Aurora's.