Chapter 82 Divorce

I set aside the packed items and pulled out my phone. After a moment of hesitation, I dialled Phoenix's number.

"I'll withdraw the lawsuit," I said when the call was connected.

The other side of the phone was silent at first, then an "Okay."

"However, I have two conditions."

"Go ahead."

"First, promise to lay your hands off the orphanage and Cannonwell Design."


"Second, I want a divorce."

I've already figured out that no matter how much I loved Phoenix, only Lola mattered to him.

Then I shouldn't waste more time on those unrealistic fantasies.

Phoenix had never loved me. It was always Lola since the beginning.

I was not conflicted about my decision anymore.

I thought Phoenix would agree without hesitation, but the other side of the line fell silent.

After a long while, he replied, "I can't comply with the second condition."