Do you want to leave with me?

Looking at the man's eyes, I couldn't help blushing.

I spent the whole New Year in the small town of Matteo's house.

Matteo's care and concern for me these days has been little by little, and his parents have been very kind to me.

For the first time, I felt the warmth of my family, parents and elders.

This kind of warmth was different from Liam's and Libby's. I tried my best to please them but only managed to get a few words from them.

I could feel that Matteo's parents were good people, and they might love me as well.

I haven't confirmed the relationship between a man and a woman, but it's just a piece of paper for us now.

As long as it was poked, it could be broken.

I thought that it might just be an opportunity for me to become his real girlfriend.

The New Year's holiday was over. When I arrived at the company, many colleagues had arrived.

Everyone was talking about the Spring Festival in groups.

When I went in alone, someone greeted me and asked me how I was doing.