Happily Break Up

"No." I felt that Matteo was a little strange today, so I could only comfort him first. "I need to think about it carefully. Give me some time."

The phone fell into silence again.

After a long time, the man only said "OK" and hung up the phone.

I still don't understand why Matteo is like this.

But in just three days, I understood.

Because three days later, the company we are in has changed owners, and the new boss will take office.

I didn't see the mysterious boss that day, but rumors about him had spread all over the office.

Some said that he was an old man, while others said that he was a handsome young man.

At noon, when I went to have lunch, I saw someone from a furniture company carrying furniture inside.

The furniture was very luxurious, including a leather sofa and a huge mahogany desk.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think of a person...

But soon, I gave up the idea.

How could it be Phoenix?