A mistress is better than a wife

I knew long ago that Lola wouldn't admit it.

She had worked so hard for so long just to forge a good image in front of Phoenix. How could she let this image collapse so easily?

But I didn't care about that anymore. I looked at Phoenix beside me and asked him, "I don't know if Mr. Waller's previous words count."

I asked him this because I was just gambling.

I'm not betting on his feelings for me. I'm betting on his possessiveness.

Phoenix looked at me with some hesitation.

Although I had told him what Peyton had said and done, it was obvious that he didn't believe everything.

The woman was very sensitive in this aspect. Seeing Phoenix's hesitation, she immediately became alert and asked me, "What are you talking about?"


I looked at Lola, and the corner of my mouth curved. I deliberately showed a little bit of mystery.

"What are you talking about?"

Peyton looked up at Phoenix, and her expression was still harmless.