Chapter 101 I'll never let you leave me

In the next few days, I lived in Phoenix's house in No.1 Jelson.

To my surprise, although Phoenix asked me to sleep with him, he had nothing to do with me.

When Phoenix was at work, the servants were usually in his room. If I didn't call him, he wouldn't come out.

I checked inside and outside his house, but I didn't find any trace of Lola's visit.

"Could it be that Lola didn't come to Phoenix's house every time she showed up?"

Then who was she going to?

After confirming that she didn't come to Phoenix's house, I decided to go out for a walk during the day and find a job.

Although it was March, the weather was still a little cold, but the heating at home had been turned off. It was cold for a long time.

That morning, I got up and waited for Phoenix to go out.

However, the man sat at home after breakfast. It seemed that he had no intention of leaving.

"Aren't you going to work?"

I sat opposite the dining table and asked him.